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更新时间: 2006-02-24 14:19:49来源: 粤嵌教育浏览量:2686

//**      链表各种操作回顾     **  

#include <iostream.h>

//***define eare***

//***varible eare***
struct Student
 long number;
 float score;
 Student *next;

Student *head;//链首指针

//***function pro.***
Student *Create(void);     //创建链表
void ShowList(Student *head);   //打印链表

Student *Delete(Student *head,long number);      //删除链表中某结点
Student *Insert(Student *head,Student *add_node); //插入链表结点

//***main code***
void main(void)
 Student *phead;
 //long del_node;
 Student add_node;
 /*cout<<"Do you want to delete which node? please input the number:";

 cout<<"please input number&score :"<<endl;


//function: Create() 创建链表
//input: void
//return: Student *
//other: fzh 2006-1-19
Student *Create(void)
 Student *pN;    //创建链表结点的指针
 Student *pEnd;    //链尾指针,用于其后插入结点指针
 pN=new Student;    //新建一个结点,准备插入链表
 cout<<"please input numer and score:\n";
 cin>>pN->number>>pN->score; //给结点赋值
 head=NULL;     //一开始链表为空

 while(pN->number !=0)

  pEnd=pN;    //N点处
  pN=new Student;
  cout<<"please input numer and score:\n";
 pEnd->next =NULL;
 delete pN;
 return (head);

//function: ShowList() 显示链表
//input: void
//return: Student *
//other: fzh 2006-1-19

void ShowList(Student *head)
 cout<<"*******now the items of list is***********\n";
  cout<<head->number<<","<<head->score <<endl;


//function: Delete() 删除链表指点结点
//input: void
//return: Student *
//other: fzh 2006-1-19
Student *Delete(Student *head,long number)
 Student *p;
 Student *pFind;        //"哨兵"指针
  cout<<"\n the link table is Null!";
  return NULL;
  delete p;
  cout<<number<<"the head of list have been deleted"<<endl;
  return (head);

   delete p;
   cout<<number<<" have been deleted!"<<endl;
   return (head);

 cout<<" \n no the node ^Q^ "<<endl;
 return NULL;

//function: Insert() 插入链表结点
//input: void
//return: Student *
//other: 1.fzh 2006-1-19
// 2.插入要求:创建链表时,结点的number是按小到大顺序排列的。
Student *Insert(Student *head,Student *add_node)
 Student *pFind;        //"哨兵"指针

 if(!head)//(head==NULL)   空链表时,将结点置于链首
  head=add_node;   //链首
  add_node->next=NULL; //链尾 
  return head;
 if(head->number > add_node->number)
  return head;

  if(pFind->next->number > add_node->number)//找到插入位置
   return head;
 return NULL;
